General / Mar 15, 2021

Stress less with your overdue funds

Mark Phillips
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by Mark Phillips

You may have one or more funds with overdue returns that recently received a warning letter from the ATO. The ATO have made it clear these funds are squarely in their sites and are likely to be subject to further action, which may include late lodgement penalties starting at $1,050 per year.

We understand it can be difficult to continually chase up these clients as it is much easier to concentrate on the work that can be done. We also understand these funds can cause stress as they impact your lodgement stats.

We have launched a new offer for late and distressed funds that will allow you to assign the outstanding work to us. The service is based on the following steps:

  1. We provide you with a draft letter that advises your client of the seriousness of the situation and that as a result you have engaged us to assist in getting their fund up to date
  2. You provide us with a fund overview including asset makeup, number of years outstanding and a summary of where it is at
  3. We review the information and provide a fixed quote to get the fund up to date, including liaising directly with your client
  4. The costs will be based on our annual model and we will require the full amount in advance before we commence work
  5. It is your choice whether we invoice the fund directly or via you so that you can add your own margin, and
  6. We will set the fund up under our Class licence, unless you prefer your own software.

If you would like to straighten up your overdue funds, or discuss any other SMSF matter, please call Mark Phillips on 1300 364 597 or via email at

We are also very pleased with the positive feedback from the launch of our investment strategy solution. It has been designed to assist trustees to work through the elements they are required to consider when developing their own strategy. At a cost of $99 which can be reimbursed from the super fund, it is a very cost effective. The strategy preparer can be accessed from this link.

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