General / Jun 08, 2020

Is that snow I can see?

Docscentre OPS
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It may only be the start of winter, but with the fallout from Covid-19 some of you may already be snowed under.  Job keeper applications, early release of super and general support for your clients may have you battling to meet the 30 June deadline for your SMSF annual return lodgements. 

The Engine team are ready to help you out as needed with all work now performed onshore from our Melbourne office. 

It’s easy to lodge a job:

  1. Login to our website, (if you don’t have a login just follow the prompts to set one up)
  2. Select the start job button and select job type
  3. Upload the required source documents
  4. Proceed to the checkout and our secure credit card facility.

Of course if you encounter any problems or have questions, you can call our team on 1300 364 597.

We are automatically notified when a new job is waiting and will get started on it as soon as possible.  You can relax knowing that your work is being looked after by our experienced staff, with an anticipated turnaround time of 3 to 5 days. 

So if you are needing some help, click on the link and get started.

If you are interested in outsourcing some or all of your SMSF compliance work, please complete the Expression of Interest form so that we can provide a proposal for your practice.

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